First Day In Victoria BC

First Day In Victoria BC

So after taking two long airplane trips, I finally got to the woodsy island of Victoria, BC. Let me tell you, it is nothing like Toronto.


When I first walked out of the tiny airport, I saw that there were a lot of huge trees surrounding me. The first difference, if you like the more urban city life, come to Toronto. If you like the more quiet, small type of place, come to Victoria BC. I am very glad that I'm visiting these two different places though. Just so I can see the different sides of Canada and experience different walks of life. After getting to my cousin’s house, we all just went to sleep because it was late at night. So the next day, my family (my 5th cousins is who I’m staying with) threw me a welcome party so that I could meet everyone. I’m not going to lie, it was a lot for me. I don’t do well with meeting new people so I almost felt like I had to put on a fake-front. I was happy to meet everyone but I was just overwhelmed and tired. So I called it a night early.


So now that it has been a week that I’ve been in Victoria BC, I have seen some of the areas. I went downtown which is a really nice place. There are coffee shops for me to get my work done at. Cute shops if I wanted to do some shopping and different places to eat. The scenery is also beautiful. Since Victoria is an island off of Vancouver, it is surrounded by water and the sights are just unique. I was able to take the ferry to Vancouver for an event and fly to Alberta for work. I have been doing more on my trip to Canada an I expected. But I guess I’ll talk about how I’m feeling all about that in my next blog post.

Victoria BC: Places to Go

Victoria BC: Places to Go

Last Day in Toronto

Last Day in Toronto